Fab in A Fouta

Summertime always inspires me to shop for bright and interesting décor. Actually, pretty much every season inspires me to shop but patterns and colours other than black are born and bred in my life during this particular season.

My current obsession has been the impromptu picnic. Girl, I'll picnic at the drop of a dime and being prepared is the essence of pulling it off in style. So I recently invested in a Fouta. What's a fouta, you wonder?
Originally a lightweight 100% cotton towel woven for use in hammams in Tunisia, this incredibly versatile fabric also doubles as the ultimate picnic blanket OR beach towel, shawl on chilly evenings, makeshift tent (I've seen it done!), sarong at the pool and the best wrap for an afternoon snooze. The Fouta has me feeling fab in every summer situation.

Why is it so perfect? It doesn't really weight that much, so it's easy to toss in my purse and hit the road.  I bought my foutas online from Famille Nomade, who support the communities that actually make their products (Tunisia, Senegal and Haiti). Prices vary from $16-$80 (Hand towels, children's and adult sized foutas in various weaves) www.famillenomade.ca

If that's more than your budget can handle, I have seen foutas for much less but remember darlings, you get what you pay for so lean to the side of quality to avoid disappointment. 



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