Drift Away

Sensory deprivation. It sounds as though it ought to be a punishment, but it's quite the opposite. You know how your iPhone freezes up, some weird glitch that requires you to reboot it by turning it off. Well, you too need to reboot and turn off.
However dreamy and simple that sounds, it isn't; especially if you're like me: always on the go, mind racing the track in its own Nascar race of thought, adding as much to my calendar as humanly possible. Meditation has never been my forte so I felt it was time to get serious about changing that and seek professional help.

I booked an appointment at Float Toronto, located at 1159 Queen Street West. I took advantage of the Intro 3-pack offer for $120, but in hindsight, this experience is worth the $65 per session. I also took a chance and booked the first session of the day, which allows you to have 2 hours in the tank and starts at 7am. Seeing as I'm up with God during these sunny summer mornings, I figured this was the ideal timeslot and perhaps a nice way to start the day. www.float-toronto.com

What to expect? It isn't some little water and salt filled cubicle, so say sayonara to any claustrophobic thoughts lingering in your mind. There's plenty of room in the tank, so much so that it's the size of a room. No latch on the door so you can't lock yourself in and the level of the water isn't more than a foot. Laden with 850 pounds of Epsom salts and at 34 degrees Celsius, the water itself  feels almost gel-like but it isn't but it is. Once you stop moving about and fidgeting, then it ceases to bother you. Actually, everything ceased while you hover in darkness and silence. Well, silence at first. Your heartbeat slowly increases in volume to become the bass drum of your body's soundtrack. Next the waves of breath, in then out, then in then out. All time and space fades. Even my thoughts slowed down, became simpler, easier to hold then let go.

I managed to slowly stretch out my spine from one side to the other, hearing the metallic snaps that emitted into the water, echoing off the sides of the tank. I was both memorised and freaked out by my own body. I felt all the tension in every muscle so intensely, before it began to drift away, almost as though the pain was bidding me adieu. My skin slimy from the Epsom salt, emerged anew after the post float shower.  Facilities and service were perfect and the lounge offers unlimited water and herbal tea while you turn all your senses back on.
Each tank is dimly lit and plays calming music you'd hear during a massage; both of which you can turn off during your float.

850 lbs of Epsom salts per tank! Benefits include stress relief, lowering blood pressure, aids in injury recovery and eases chronic pain. 

Post float Kombucha, water or herbal tea is on the house while you readjust and bask in the glow you feel.

If you're looking to reboot your mind and body, this is it. Happy floating, darlings!


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