When In Doubt, Blow It Out!

  When you calculate how much it costs to hit the salon just to have your hair blown out every time you want to, you could probably send yourself to Cosmetology school for the same amount.  As someone with au natural hair that has been compared to Albert Einstein's frizzy mane, I know the importance of a proper blow out and how it can literally change your life, make you walk tall and carry yourself through life with a sense of "Get Outta My Way, I'm WALKING!". 

"I would say that hair is a woman's glory and that you share that glory with your family."-Maya Angelou

Well, my darlings, if a woman's glory is her hair, then allow me to help you help yourself in getting it in tip top shape!

Recently having mastered the "At Home" blow out, I can honestly say that I will go to the salon on special occasions, sure, but I have a biweekly appointment with myself when it comes to the day-in, day-out blow out.

Here's what got me started:
Herbal Essences' Celebrity Stylist Charles Baker Strahan, who in these videos shows you how to blow out your hair with precision and a flair of professionalism.     



Of course, it helps to start with the product du jour; I'm talking about Herbal Essences Touchably Smooth Shampoo and Conditioner. This dynamic duo is infused with Asian Silk (which is exactly what your hair will feel like), scents of lily, water pear, green ivy, violet and apricot. It's a flirty mix of freshness and for under the $4/SRP each, it won't leave your budget "wanting". All that aside, the secret weapon is WATER! I kid you not.  There's a serum incorporated into this product that is activated by water, leaving your hair primed and prepped for the styling magic to begin, while assisting in controlling frizz and flyaways. 

Go on and give it a go, my darlings. Unlock the beauty of your perfect blow out and conquer the world with the glory you were given!

Until the next find,

Miss M


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