The Ultimate Kiss Off

It's got nothing to do with Gene Simmons. Nor does it involve swapping spit and mono with strangers for the benefit of a charity. I'm also not talking about one of my favourite Violent Femme's songs.

This is the ORIGINAL Kiss-Off, a stain remover that I think everyone needs to have on hand. It claims to tackle (with success) lipstick, makeup, wine, coffee (right there it's already a product designed for me!), baby spots (whatever those are, I am certain they're unruly and unwanted), pet stains, blood, grease and my fave: mystery stains! (Sounds like the aftermath of a night of drinking)

Now if you know me at all then you know I do NOT (EVER) post any product that I have not tested or swear by, so I made an afternoon of this one. Using an old white tee as my sacrificial lamb, I spotted it with espresso, red Sharpie ink, lipstick and lip gloss (I still believe they are two completely different beasts for stains), and red wine. Following the directions on the Kiss-Off, I proceeded to remove all the stains in question. *I could not find a baby, nor was I willing to use an animal in said testing. Cruelty Free, baby!*

Kiss-Off is truly worth its $3.99 price tag and is the size of a small glue stick, so it makes its home into my cozy makeup satchel in my purse. It also adds to my MacGyver factor the next time someone spills something (usually wine) on themselves (usually me).

It's also gender friendly, so get one for your BF, BFF or hubby. Pick up yours at Curry's Art Supplies. It's where I got mine.


Miss M


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