When to Leg-go

All my friends wore leggings. Sporting them with carelessness because it was the only way to wear a sweatshirt tunic out as the main attraction of your ensemble.
We were, however, 12. Ah, the 80's.

I understand the full vicious circle that Fashion travels in; albeit a wormhole at times. I know that things come back; but who, pray tell, buried these things in the fashion cemetery back in '89 without knowing that they will rise, alive and demented, in the future?

Leggings are not pants. They never really were and to 're-invent' them as such plagues me with the question: Why must I have to bear witness to every nook and cranny of the bottom half of your body? In daylight... whilst shuffling in Uggs and choking down yet another 900 calorie frappachino? You know
who you are.

If you insist on wearing them, then prepare for the scrutiny of the judging eyes about you and please lady, hit the gym as often as possible. Like moi, leggings are extremely unkind.

Miss M


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