Putting on the Finishing Touch

I can't help but remember the sexually charged Herbal Essences commercials of pleasurable moans emitted from women washing their hair. The flashback always makes me giggle to myself.
The ever expanding product lines that followed, however, are nothing to chuckle over. My eyes reel until dizzy when scanning which product to buy and try at the drugstore.

Always a sucker for pommades and styling creams, I grabbed the newest, purple packaged 'tousle me softly
™' finishing touch cream.
The scent a melange of fleurs and fruit was just the beginning. The texture is what I could not get over. It was almost a lotion rather than a thick, sticky mess. Perfect for creating a sectional, sexy look and without the drag of product weight. My hands didn't even require a post styling wash.
Water conservation at its finest.
Worth every penny.


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