Primed For Beautiful

"Just as an artist prime's their canvas, so should I with my face", I thought to myself the last time I looked in the mirror to inspect how the summer months have ravaged my skin of its luminescence.
Of course, the sun is a damaging mistress, no matter how entrancing her warm embrace may seem after all those dark and cold months of winter we endure. Silently vowing to avoid falling back into her bewitching siren's call, I am giving up tanning au natural and plan to resurrect my face from the dullness of my sun shiny indiscretions. 

Step 1: More sleep and more water, no matter how much the latter makes me feel like peeing has become a full time job. 
Step 2: Continue my sweat filled cardio sessions with the follow-up steam room indulgence. 
Step 3: Less stress and more laughter. 
Step 4: PRIME TIME, Baby! I just dropped $44 on one fluid once of liquid joy: Smashbox's Oil-Free Foundation Primer at Sephora. (There is also an SPF 15 formulation)

Sure, it may seem steep, but it's only relative to what this product actually does. Also, if you've gone shopping for even the most basic of beauty needs, you should know that there is no avoiding dropping some serious coin after all is said and done. My face is the first thing people see and I'm not leaving it 'unattended' as the chilly months approach.
You can use the primer on its own, to create a soft and subtle look and feel, or use it with either liquid or powder foundation. I prefer the lightness of powder and the flawless, camera ready look I get from the combo. Add a bit of mascara and some rouge to the cheeks and off I go! 

Pretty is easy when you're primed for success and feeling beautiful to boost.

Until the next fab find, darlings.

Miss M


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