Summer's The Pits

F eeling the heat yet, Toronto? It's the humidity that gets you every time. Occasionally hitting 40 Celsius. Frequently ruining your outfit plans, destroying blowouts across the's enough to make you, dare I say, wish for colder days? Then add the perpetual fear that someone might catch a whiff of your summer sweaty self? Good lord, no thank you. I'm not having any of it....well, at least not the stinky, sweaty part. Hence, I wear top of the line deodorant because I will PAY EXTRA NOT TO SMELL OR SWEAT EXCESSIVELY. With a suggested retail price of $21 CDN, you too can celebrate summer in style, while also confidently raising your arms up in white tee shirt wearing moments, dance moves, Jersey-style fist pumps, et cetera. Whatever your activity, Clarins has you covered. (Buy it at your local Shopper's and get 315 points) Sweating, your body's natural process of cooling you down, can stink while excessive sweating can lead to discomfort and embarrassme...