Uh-oh, It's Magic...

It dawned on me today, whilst chatting with various fashion vendors at the Burroughs Building, that not only was it cold outside, but my skin was in dire need of some serious moisture. At one point in a heated conversation about, of all things, the crappy flea markets I have attended, I caught a glance at my hands. In the bold lighting they looked like some old lady's hands. OLD LADY HANDS! Jeez, what happened to me, I thought and more importantly, HOW!?? Being a natural born "fixer" of all things broken (friends, boyfriends and retail service in society as we know it), I began scanning the room for a remedy. My co-worker and bubbly European lovely, Sabine shook her head and said: "Egyptian Magic". I have heard about it in the past, but never given it a go until Sabine handed me a small sample. After instructing me to put it where ever I felt I needed "help", I envisioned smearing it all over my bank card, my boyfriend, some of my high school friends t...